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EUR 0.00
Couple the trailer to the tow bar of the car with a ball hitch according to the
the following description:
a) Attachment.
1. attach the safety cable behind the tow bar hitch.
2 Open the hitch - (pull the handle of hitch 1 upwards) (Figure 3).
3.Slide the open hitch onto the ball of the tow bar. By applying pressure to the ball of the hook, the hitch will latch
automatically to the initial position (with insufficient load on the coupling support
The ball should be pressed down by hand until it snaps into place, such as on tandem trailers)
4. for safety reasons, additionally press the handle 1 down (Figure 3).
5. closing and securing occurs automatically.
6. the coupling is properly attached to the ball when the safety indicator 2 shows a green field in the
coupling indicator area (Figure 3). The red box in the indicator area, on the other hand, indicates
Wear and tear on the hook ball and/or hitch.
7. connect the electrical system of the trailer to the electrical system of the car by inserting the plug
To the towbar socket.
8. check the correct operation of the trailer lights.
9. secure the support wheel (if the trailer is equipped) in accordance with the instructions (Section 4.4).
b) Detachment .
Before unhitching the trailer, use wedges to secure the trailer
Before unintentionally rolling over, then:
1) Disconnect the electrical system, and put the plug in the holder.
2) Lift the handle of hitch 1 upwards (Figure 3).
3) Raise the ball coupling from the hitch ball of the towing vehicle (using the wheel for this purpose
Support, if included in the trailer equipment).
4) Disconnect and remove the safety cable.
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